Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Abortion We can say that, the abortion debate is one of most important issues in the United States. The reason is that the debate is upon the right to life. Another important point of this issue is that this is an issue merely about women. This doesn’t mean that men don’t have any engagement in this issue, but it means that, women should choose and decide about this issue. Abortion can be studied in several perspectives: religion, women's right, hygiene. In some religious principles, abortion is considered as a kind of murder that threatens the fetus. In this view, mothers can not have abortions unless their health at stake. Women' right advocator, believe that, it is an absolute right of women to choose whether to have an abortion or not. In the healthy perspective, there are some debates that if the fetus is deformed, or if childbirth threatens the life of the mother, mothers can have an abortion. In the U.S In 1973 the Supreme Court passed Roe v. Wade. According to this decision, a woman has the right to have abortion. But this right is not determined. This idea divides pregnancy of women into three parts, called trimesters. In the first three month, a woman can decide whether to have abortion or no. But in the second and third three months, this decision is made by a state. As I have worked on the result of the election of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, their viewpoints about abortion will be referred in this part. Hillary Rodham Clinton on abortion: In 2003, as a senator, she was among those who voted against a bill which forbidden a late-term abortion procedure. Opponents to this bill called it "partial-birth" abortion. In her stance on this issue, she has supported abortion and has said that if she will be chosen as the president, she would nominate Supreme Court judges who support precedents such as Roe v. Wade, and who agree that a right to privacy is declared in the Constitution. She doesn't agree with a constitutional amendment or federal law banning abortion. Clinton has tried to court abortion opponents by saying she favors government policies that would reduce unintended pregnancies and make abortions rare. Barack Obama on abortion: His stance on abortion suggests that a woman has the right to decide how many children to have. Like Clinton, he also opposes Constitutional amendment or federal law banning abortion. In a meeting which was held in July, he declared that he would appoint Supreme Court nominees who support Roe v. Wade. " With one more vacancy on the court, we could be looking at a majority hostile to a woman's fundamental right to choose for the first time since Roe v. Wade, and that is what is at stake in this election", Obama said. Moreover, he believes in fundamental changes about abortion in the White House and in the Supreme Court.

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