Saturday, December 15, 2007

Review of Transnational America: Contours of Modern US Transnational America: Contours of Modern US Culture is an editorial book including 13 essays by different individuals plus a completely illustrated one named photo essay in the work, edited by Russell Duncan and Clara Juncker। Museum Tusculanum Press has published it in 276 pages paperback with ISBN 8772899581 on 2004 in Copenhagen. Contributors in this one volume editorial are experts in various disciplines mostly English Literature and American Studies. The work categorized in 5 major categories: 1- Visions and Revisions 2- Secrets and Lies 3- Photo Essay 4- New People 5- New Places, which each one subcategorizes to a few essays. This book has a pro-American structure, and tries to introduce America as a transpattern and even an Archetype which all other nations and states must follow from its nation-state pattern. Many countries are consciously or unconsciously go after it, and its taste and scent can be sensed in rest of the world. That’s why it’s called Transnational America. In fact editors believe in an alliteration of Trans in everything related to America as it’s depicted in editors’ introduction: “A transatlantic voyage can discover a new continent or start new lives, and a transcontinental exploration can give rise to Manifest Destiny. Pioneers can transverse frontiers to build a nation. To transmigrate is to travel through one country on the way to a more permanent resting place. Slaves are transported; immigrants make transitions; people are transformed. Transactions are necessary to property acquisition. Translators mediate among languages. Hopes are transmitted; communities are transplanted; nations are transfigured. Media producers transcribe programs for broadcast. Employees are transferred to regional for international offices.” It can be said -In deed- the book tries to normalize the trans-Naturalization concept. “The editors commissioned articles that explain the contours of the ‘glocal’ (global and local) and ‘intermestic’ (international and domestic) tendencies involved in transnational America.” The language of the work is not too complicated but to some extent sophisticated, editors intend to deliver their minds by coining new words using blending method which can be a sign and metaphor of interdisciplinary approach of the book per se. “They address the complex issues of globalization, American mythology, Christian proselytizing, modern slavery, conspiracy theory, apocalyptic terrorism, Vietnam stories, international feminism, changing gender roles, resurgent regionalism, Hillary Clinton, Muhammad Ali, Latinos, and the changing definitions of place-be they in Hungary, Nigeria, Estonia, the American South or Canadian cities. As the word enters America, so America enters the world, unfettered by territorial boundaries, and experiencing ambivalent reactions of acceptance and resistance.” It’s really hard to label it as unique, but undoubtedly it’s a great work for those who are new comers in Americaology and Globalizationology. Popular culture is smelled in the whole; examples, similes and metaphors to different Hollywood motion pictures give a subtle abstract interactive mood to work. Nonetheless it has a unique part, and it’s the photo essay. 14 Dazzling photos which may represents 14 essays of the work. A well expert eye obviously can find a lot and even more in each; ‘Naturalization’, ‘Mc Donaldization’, American Surreallization, Presidential Exceptionalization, American Spherialization, 9/11ization, Conspiring Terrorization, American jigsawization, Phallicist Feminization, Negro-Islam Americanization, Economical Novelization, Mexico-America Hybridization, Amerinadaization, un-American assimilation; are probable conceptualized nominations which I dare to put on them, and of course all are coined by me save in quotation marks. I really recommend everyone who is interested in book and is in lack of time for whole reading even though skipping the rest live a quarter with this photo essay which has a encyclopedic essence. As it is asserted in the book for American Understanding various notions and concepts must be taken into account; ‘nationalism’, ‘racism’, ‘manhood’, ‘Christianity’, ‘globalization’, ‘immigration’, ‘classic-democratic roots’, ‘militarism’, ‘technology’, ‘advertising banners’, ‘youth’, ‘future’, ‘progress’ and ‘frontier’ are issues which are reviewed in this work, so paves the way for American Understanding. But some other points are neglected in this work if so they are being concerned as modern US culture elements too; Hip Hop music, same sex marriage, new concept of Stew as successor of Melting Pot, Voluntarism, Democratization of the World and pre-emption. Nevertheless it enlightens new horizons in watching America as an insider even out of it.
The message to the European peoples In a fresh audio tape released on Thursday night (November 29), al Qaede chief Osama bin laden has called on Europeans to stop supporting the us in its invasion of Afghanistan . The new audio tape – released by the Arabic TV news channel Al Jazeera – contains a voice resembling that of laden though independent authorities could not confirm this. In the tape, Osama stresses thet he alone was behind the 9/11 attacks and that the Afghans had nothing to do with the attack. He said the US 'insisted on invading ' Afghanistan despite knowing this fact well. More importantly, the audio tape criticised Europe for playing 'subordinate' to Washington's whims. Al-Jazeera aired two brief portions of a few seconds each of the audiotape, titled "message to the European peoples," which al-Qaeda had announced several days ago that it would release soon.the rest of the message – the fourth by the al-Qaeda leader this year – was not known.US State Department spokesman McCormack brushed off the purported bin laden remarks, saying the comments are "not a new tactic." McCormack told a news conference in Washington that neither the US nor its European allies will reduce its commitment in Afghanistan। "I think our NATO allies understand quite clearly what is at stake in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere around the world in fighting the war on terror,"he said।
About bin laden:
Osama bin laden was born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on 10 March 1957.He is a militant Islamist and the founder of the terrorist organization called al-Qaeda. He is the member of the prestigious and wealthy bin laden family. In conjunction with several other Islamic militant leaders, bin laden issued two fatwas -in 1996 and again in 1998- that Muslims should kill civilians and military personnel from the United States and allied countries until they remove support for Israel and remove military forces from Islamic countries. He has been indicted in United States federal court for his alleged involvement in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Dare s Salaam Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya, and is on the US.Federal Bureau of Investigation 's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list. Although bin laden has not indicated for the September 11,2001 attacks, he has claimed responsibility for them in videos released to the public। Nowadys is conceived that he leads in frontier between afghanistan and pakistan.
Other video tapes from bin laden:
On 6 September 2007, bin laden's image was posted at a banner advertisement on an Islamic militant web site (where al-Qaeda's media arm, Al-Sahab posts messages)। In the image, bin laden's beard had been dyed ( a popular practice among Arab leaders ). Al-Sahab said that bin laden will release a new video ahead of the 6th anniversary of the 11 September attacks. The video was released on 7 September 2001.
This time in this tape in which bin laden has left message and menaced Europeans to stop supporting the US in its invasion of Afghanistan, goal of laden is Europe। After the attacks on New York is Thought that Europeans should pay attention to this menaces। They should not pay attention like the US ; McCormack: "I think out NATO allies understand clearly what is at stake in Afghanistan as well as elsewhere around the world in fighting the war on terror " http://stagingserver/NewsDtls.aspx?NewsID=4568 ^ Wanted: Usama Bin Laden. Interpol. Retrieved on 2006-05-15. ^ BIN LADEN'S FATWA ^ Online NewsHour: Al Qaeda's 1998 Fatwa. PBS. Retrieved on 2006-08-21. Further links: Terrorism Main Page Video excerpts from December 1998 ABC News interview with bin Laden